モザンビークのテレビ局に出演した際のパフォーマンス映像がバズり始めたDJ Castro。彼のDJプレイはもうご覧になりましたか?
高価な機材を使っているのに「ほぼ何もしないDJ」はこれまでも話題になりましたが、そんなDJたちへの皮肉が痛快なのがDJ Castroのプレイ。
Using Fisher Price toys to clown like he’s altering his music, Castro modifies his voice to produce the effect of white noise and various other filters. This proves that you can have all the fancy equipment in the world, but it don’t mean shit if you can’t create a groove and hold a crowd. You’ve heard of taking it back to the essence, but this is quite simply on another level.
via Mass Appeal(強調は筆者)
Fact Magazine